
Ten sons of dragon

 About the sons of dragon, I wanna say is, you can see a lot of dragon shaped items in Chinese building or art master piece, like carve, architecture, acturlly, they are not dragon, they are 9 or 10 decendents, each one with diffennt charracters and tempertures, they are funny, let me tell you the first, with picture.

The most senior/eildest among all dragon sons is called Bi-Xi, he looks like turtle, of course with dragon head, see attached picture, he have tremedous loading capacity like Herculus, and he love to load, so if you saw monuments, large pillars if Chinese building of this legandary creature, it is Bi Xi (pronounce as B C), but turtle have no teeth, bi xi do have teeth.

According to the myth, Before Bi Xi was tammed by our ancestor saint named "Da Yu", he was a wild monster in river, lake and sea, and he become like a very powerful bulldoser, and creat merit, but people just worry the powerful creature get wild again, so use monument stones to supress him(of course he love to load-remember), and make him can not move an each, so that's why you see Bi Xi 's head is up rising, he tried to stuggle to walk, but he can not.
Hope you like the first one story.

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